I have known this family and these kids since I was in elementary school. I used to hug and carry these two girls everywhere when they were younger. They were, and still are, the most gorgeous little things! I’m also amazed at how big and handsome their big brother has become over the years! Their dad, good ole Mr. Garcia, was my 4th grade teacher and remains one of my favorite teachers to this day! I’m so thankful I still get to see this family from time to time. It makes my heart happy!
It was a struggle to get this session in while I was home because Abby, Ashlyn, and Drew are BUSY!! I’m pretty sure they are involved in every extracurricular activity you can think of. No joke! I’m so glad we made it happen and I just LOVE how these turned out! Sunshiney, sun flare sessions are MY FAVORITE! 🙂