I don’t do very many of these lifestyle sessions at all, but I love it when the chance arises. They are so laid back and there not stressful. We just go with the flow of the baby and it all works out. Baby Conner stayed awake the whole time, but he didn’t make a peep during his entire session. He was literally perfect. He just happily wiggled around and we got some sweet pictures. There’s no doubt his momma and daddy are swooning over him. He’s going to grow up surrounded by so much love and that makes my heart happy. Welcome to the world, sweet Conner. <3
Nothing better than baby feet.
So darn sweet <3
I love the all deer everything!
Dad did all of the wood work in Conner’s room. LOVE!
My heart melts.
I seriously love that dogs are in these!! Hahah!! 🙂
One happy family 🙂