I’ve “known” Elizabeth for almost two years now, but we only met a couple of months or so ago. Navy life is weird. You’ll know lots of people only virtually thanks to PIR groups, “Milso” pages, etc. but only sometimes do you get lucky enough to meet!
Elizabeth is also a photographer! It’s nice to have photog friends for sure, because not everyone appreciates taking massive amounts of pictures all the time and wanting to share them with the world. Nor does everyone appreciate everything it takes to schedule sessions, pay taxes, and stress about running an actual business. See? It’s good to know people who just get it!
I don’t have a huge client base in Virginia, so I always get camera happy. It’s nice to take a break while I’m here actually. So since I NEEDED to pick up my camera yesterday, I messaged Elizabeth and said I NEED TO TAKE PICTURES OF YOU and it wasn’t weird because she total got it. There’s that photog friend thing again. 😉
Anyways, I got to break out my camera on a cold and rainy day at Stumpy Lake in Virginia Beach. We didn’t stay long, but I think Elizabeth left with some pretty sweet headshots. After you leave here, you should totally check out more of her work at http://elizabethbanksphotography.weebly.com. 🙂