The other day I saw a post on the famous Norfolk Milso’s page and it caught all of my attention. I rarely read these posts because per usual they are full of catfights. In this post, certain wives were bashing another wife who openly admitted she couldn’t handle living in Virginia and was needing to get rid of some of her stuff since she had no where to keep it when she moved back home.
One life. One life is all it takes to bring more light into the world. To inspire others. To teach and encourage the qualities of faith, honor, and commitment. To show others how to live the right way. One life is all it takes…
Ok Maddie, what is this title about?
I’m about to be pretty open, honest, and raw with you all. Life has got me pretty stressed out lately. And when you live 20 hours away from home you feel a LITTTTLE bit alone. Ok maybe a lot alone. I’ve been worried about a few things to the point where my anxiety is through the roof. The things I’m worried about are really BIG parts of my life and my future. What are they? Well…
23 years ago today God placed you on this Earth with those awesome green brown eyes and the cutest crooked smile. I told you this last night around 1AM after Landon blew up your phone, but I am so glad you were born. You’re my best friend on the whole entire planet even when you drive me insane…
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